If your product was damaged during transport, please check our help section for the return of damaged goods.
If you ordered the wrong item, or the product wasn’t what you expected it to be, you are entitled to return it up to 14 days after the date of receipt of that product. Before you return the product, you have to send an email to sales@archonia.com with the following information:
- your order number
- the message that you want to return a purchased product
- the name of the product
- the date on which the product has been delivered to the indicated delivery address
The time your email arrives at Archonia is used to determine whether your return falls within the stipulated period of 14 days. When we confirm that your return request falls within this period, you have the right to return your product. If your request arrives outside this period, we reserve the right to refuse your return request, and the associated refund of the product. The product must always be returned completely and undamaged in its original, unopened packaging. You should take the necessary precautions to ensure that the product cannot be damaged during its return; we therefore recommend that you return the product in the same box as which it was delivered, filled with buffer material to protect the product.
The product can be returned to the following address:
Luikersteenweg 320
3500 Hasselt
The costs of returning the product are always at your expense, unless we have exceptionally sent you a product different from the one you actually ordered.
Refund of the purchase price is done after Archonia.com has received the returned product. In case you return an entire order, the original shipping costs will be refunded as well. The refund will be performed using the same payment method as has been used for the purchase, unless you and Archonia.com have agreed otherwise.
If the returned product is delivered at Archonia.com in a condition (e.g. used, stained, damaged, incomplete, ...) that prevents further selling the product to third parties at its original selling price, Archonia.com reserves the right to deduct the difference between the original purchase price and the remaining selling price from the refund.
You lose the right to return sealed products (such as DVDs) whose seal has been broken after delivery.